Monday, May 26, 2008

Uh, oh! Guess what Andy did? Yup, it was time for an upgrade. A Honda Shadow 750 Spirit. It's so loud that the first time we started in the garage, we had to peel Caleb off the ceiling and change Quincey's diaper.


Michelle said...

Congrats! It really does match Steph's sweater :)

Unknown said...

ha ha...Nice! Is this yours Steph? :)

LauraLee said...

When are you taking Deah on a ride?

Cassie and Chad said...

You are a crazy man!!! I bet your kids think you are SOOO COOL!!! (and you are so thats good!)

Cassie and Chad said...

Oh and our blog is

Jess said...

Hey guys... nice to know you have a blog! Its a good thing I came to babysit or I wouldn't have ever known...

Johnson said...

I found ya! Yeah! I will be checking on you more now!!!! Thanks again for a wonderful night. You guys truly are the most giving wonderful people I have ever met!!

Greg and Becky