Monday, July 7, 2008


Never a dull moment at the Horton home!!

Keena took a little spill on Saturday evening while getting off the trampoline. She lost her footing and fell on a delicate spot- straddling the rail. She landed so hard that it forced a 1-inch gash in her underparts. After finding lots of blood, we gave her a blessing and rushed her to the hospital at about 11:30 pm. I don't know why we drove 90 mph to the hospital when we just ended up waiting for 3 1/2 hours in the "EMERGENCY" room with 40 other people that drove 90 MPH to get there. We were finally brought into a room at about 3:30 am. Keena put on her brave pants, (actually there were no pants involved- only one of those air-conditioned hospital gowns), and endured 10 shots to numb the area. Her crying out in pain was nearly more than Stephanie and I could take, fortunately, I (Andy) am not effected as much by the trauma's of needles or blood and was able to be a comfort and support to all that were present, including hospital staff. Keena braved it out and survived the ordeal, walking (actually we carried her) away with 5 stitches, 2 very tired parents, and a cute little brown teddy bear provided by the hospital. We got home at about 5:00 am.
Fortunately, Kim and Brad were at our home that night to help us out. The best part of the night was Mackenzie's comment, "Keena should be glad she doesn't have boy gentiles!"
Keena and Steph won't be able to go to girls' camp this week which is a shame.

Half the fun was sitting in the ER and guessing other people's names and injuries and how they got hurt. If you are every hard up for entertainment, go to the ER and place your bets. We had some good laughs, at the expense of others of course. We did make some new friends; we met a woman with a foot swollen as large as our first minivan. We met Tipsy, a local alcoholic with a cyclops-type abrasion on the front of her forehead. We also met a 25-year-old student with a broken nose- he got beat up by a 115 lb girl. There was a 12-year old young man with no obvious problem other than his mouth; he just kept talking and talking and talking. I'm sure he was there to have that gash under his nose fixed. I guessed that his name was Louis, but Steph said, "No, he is more of a Sean." I agreed and told her, "Good call!" A few minutes later, Steph walked out to go to the restroom and while she was gone I overheard "Sean's" brother actually refer to him as "Sean." I just about died; by the time Steph came back, Keena and I could barely breathe or talk from laughter as we tried to tell her that she had guessed right. Well, she confessed and told us that she had overheard his name earlier. We had a good laugh and decided that Steph got us good on that one. Sean just kept talking.

Anyway, all is well. We are feeling very blessed and grateful that Keena wasn't hurt worse. She is resting well and walking funny. The doctor recommended no horseback riding, bike riding , or trampolines for a the next few weeks- what a bummer.


Cassie and Chad said...

Oh My Gosh!!! That sounds SOOO painful! Poor Keena, and to have her dad broadcast it to the world via internet, man what a trooper she is. Tell her we hope she feels better soon!!!

LeChem Fam said...

We are so glad that Keena, for the most part, is okay! Happy recovery time!!

Johnson said...

I'm am glad she didn't hurt her gentiles too because I have a husband who falls over when wind just blows towards his gentiles!!

I am so sorry for Keena. I hope she is feeling better and I wouldn't blame her for never stepping foot on a tramp again!

You guys crack us up...thanks for the good laugh!!

Unknown said...

oh wow! Poor Keena. That sound so awful! Did you have a nice 4th of July otherwise? :)